2012 Miles Rausch Family Christmas Card

The Game of Life

We're back with another game! It's as much fun as any board game that you play by yourself – none. HOWEVER, you will get to learn totes mucho about our lives this year. In the end, isn't Life the greatest game of all?

How to Play

  1. Roll the die. This determines how many spaces your marker will travel.
  2. Draw a life card. This determines what direction your marker will go: forward or "backs-wards".
  3. Your marker will move across the board.
  4. You can click "Show the marker" to navigate to your marker on the board.
  5. You can click "Show the die" to navigate back to the die and life cards.
  6. Learn about our lives in 2012, and, if you get to the last space, you win (nothing)!

The Die

Life Cards

Show the marker

You won!

Let's be honest - it's impossible to not win if you click the buttons often enough. So, congratulations on your tenacity! I knew you could do it; that's why we sent you the card.

If you want, you can click through the game again. The life cards are chosen at random, so there might be some corner of our life that you didn't get to read in a single sentence. Why wait? Click the button below to play again.

Play Again